Recent publications
"The Goddess of Leaves Turning, Torn, Fallen"
in Discretionary Love
(September 7, 2024)
"The Night We Shut Out The Children"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 16
(August/September 2024)
"The Gods of Production"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Borealis 31
(July/August 2024)
"Light-Fingered God"
in Mad Swirl
(July 19, 2024)
"The Goddess of Mist"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 15
(June 2024)
"The Goddess of Bedtime Stories"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 14
(April 2024)
"The Goddess of Real Things," "The God of White Stones,"
"The Goddess of Escape"

(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 11
(September 2023)
"The Goddess of Sabotage"
in Mad Swirl
(11 August 2023)
"The Goddess of Missed Chances"
in Amethyst Review
(1 July 2023)
"The God of—," "The Goddess of the Visible Invisible," "The Goddess of This"
in Young Ravens Literary Review
18 (2023)
"The Goddess of Remorse"
in Amethyst Review
(14 June 2023)
"The Gods of The Ways"
in Amethyst Review
(25 May 2023)
"The Goddess of the Drowned Lands"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 8
(January 2023)
"The God of the Ill Wind"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 7
(December 2022)
"Gods of New Seasons"
in Mad Swirl
(5 December 2022)
"Jocasta Chides Her Boy," "The God of O'Clock," "The October Gods"
in The Thieving Magpie
19 (2022)
"The God of Undiminished Returns"
in Mad Swirl
(August 9, 2022)
"October Birds"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Borealis 22
(July 2022)
"The God of Gravity"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 6
(June 2022)
"The Gods of Old Homes and New" (PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 5
(April 2022)
"The God of Hermits"
in Mad Swirl
(13 February 2022)
"The Goddess of the Vagueries of Fate"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 4
(December 2021)
"The God of the Wobbly Menagerie"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 3
(October 2021)
"God of the Apocalypse"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 2
(June 2021)
"The Goddess of Wonder" and "Blood Spells"
(PDF available here)
in Polar Starlight 1
(March 2021)

Word tangler, former writer wrangler. I've published many poems in magazines and anthologies, several articles and reviews, a few stories, four collections of poetry, and a set of recordings of me reading my work.

I am a voracious reader.

This site is always a work in progress.



Back to work (for my last full year!) September 1st, and three new poems (linked on the left) out in Discretionary Love, Polar Starlight, and Polar Borealis.


A new poem (linked on the left) out in Mad Swirl.


Off work for the summer, and I am doing the Clarion West Write-a-thon again this year. It started Sunday June 16th and runs through Friday, July 27th. Should you wish to, you can sponsor me here and see early drafts of the new poems I promise to write each week.

Also, there is a new poem (linked on the left) out in Polar Starlight today.


A new poem (linked on the left) out in Polar Starlight.

2023 Overview

  • 11 poems published
  • more struggling and avoidance than work on the novels, but some progress


Back to work, plus three new poems in Polar Starlight (link on right).


The Write-a-thon is over, so I have removed the clunky slider from this page. I did write the six promised poems (plus a bonus seventh) and sent them to my friends and supporters, and I did make some significant progress on the novel revision. Thank you all!

See the sidebar for links to another newly published poem in the delightful Mad Swirl (link on right).


The second and third of the poems in The Amethyst Review appeared.


Once again I am participating in Clarion West's Write-a-thon.

A set of three poems just appeared in Young Ravens Literary Review and the second in a series of poems due to appear in Amethyst Review (poem linked on the left) is now online.


The first in a series of poems due to appear in a new-to-me online magazine, Amethyst Review (poem linked on the left). (Yes, I finally started sending some poems out again after a long hiatus.)


A new poem (linked on the left) out in Polar Starlight.

2022 overview

  • 10 poems published
  • completed the first draft of my fourth novel in the Carterhaugh series (all four are awaiting final edits and will probably launch in 2024)


A new poem (linked on the left) out in Mad Swirl and another in Polar Starlight.


Three new poems (linked on the left) out in The Thieving Magpie.


Another new poem (linked on the left) and yet another out (in print only) in Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet


Another new poem out (linked on the left)

Had another fine Clarion West Write-a-thon, with six new poems (one a week), and good progress on The Honey Queen (my novel-in-progress).


New poem out (linked on the left)

I am also participating in the Clarion West Write-a-thon this summer from June 19 – July 13. My goal is the first draft of a poem a week (which sponsors will receive) and a stretch goal to finish the first draft of my novel in progress (the not-a-novella mentioned below). This is in support of the writers workshop I attended in 1996 and helped run from 2001 – 2019.


New poem out (linked on the left)


In the larger world 2022 has already brought more than a year's worth of bad, sad news. In the small my-life world a poem or two is/are getting published. I discovered the novella I was writing is actually a novel, meaning it's not finished yet, meaning I'm not going to get the three novellas written by June that I had been planning once upon an optimistic time.

Note that I got utterly stalled out on sending out my 2021 end-of-year missive when I got a flu. I still plan to send them and have bonus poems for late recipients.

My most recent book-length publication is still The Walk She Takes (2019).

See my books page for more info.